Monday, January 12, 2009


Yikes that first picture below is kinda scary, sorry! It was seconds after she was born, I was crying, I look like I think she smells bad, haha! Maggie is doing so well and dave is the best dad ever jjust like I knew he would be. We are all just so happy that maggie is here, it's hard to explain. Thanks everyone for the well wishes, we love you!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Margaret "Maggie" Ginie Hasselbring Arrives

On January 8th at 3:32 PM Maggie arrived into our lives and they are sure to be changed forever, and we couldn't be happier. We actually thought Maggie was going to arrive on January 7th and we packed our bags and packed the car and headed for the hospital. However, after being at the hospital for serveral hours and walking up and down the maternity hallways several hundred times, they sent us home. Holly suffered with contractions at home and I decided to go to work and about two hours later I got the call that Holly's dad was taking her to the hospital; needless to say I made it home in record time. When I arrived Holly was about 5 centimeters dialated and was in a lot of pain every 2-3 minutes when a new contraction hit. For the next hour or two Holly was in a great deal of pain as she dialated to 7 centimeters and she was unsure if she was going to "make it" through the ordeal of labor, even though I had no doubt of her toughness. At 7 centimeters an epidural was put in place and we were riding high with the expectations that it was going to take several hours for her to get fully dialated.....but we were wrong. A little over an hour later the nurse was surprised when she told us that Holly was almost fully dialated. Holly did great and about 40 minutes later she was holding our little Maggie.

Here are some pictures, more to follow

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fall is my favorite season

I love fall, cool air, awesome colors, warm sweaters, cute boots, turning on the fire place, and the best of all...Pumpkinfest!. Love it Love it Love it.

Just want to say congrats to our friends Liz and Tim who just got married in a beautiful ceremony and super fun reception this past weekend. Liz looked absolutely fabulous, and Tim looked pretty good too haha. We got to see some of our good friends who we haven't seen in a long long time. We also are super excited about our friends' baby, Lily, is doing very well. She recently had heart surgery and she is growing like a weed now, yay!

People keep asking me if we are ready for the baby and if we have the nursery all set up and stuff. If any of you know us very well we are both huge procrastinators, plus I feel like we are still in a little bit of denial about the baby actually being here haha. We have nothing done in the nursery and I have only bought 1 baby outfit so far. Once I start buying though I think the flood gates will open and I might get a little out of control. Here's a couple of pictures from the wedding this weekend. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Baby H will be here in January!!!

Everyone probably already knows this, but I thought I would put it on here anyway...Dave and I are having a baby!!!

I am about 15 and a half weeks now and we have had a few ultrasounds at the beginning so we have seen the little guy (or girl) in there. I felt pretty crappy for the first couple of months and usually feel better now, but I still have some pukey feeling days blah! We have decided to find out the sex of the baby. I couldn't decide what I wanted, but Dave was pretty sure he needed to know so we will hopefully find out on Sept. 10th. I haven't felt any movements yet, but that should be coming in the next few weeks so I'm super excited about that.

Thanks for visiting!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I forgot that I started this thing, but here's an update. We just threw my mom and dad a 30th anniversary party last weekend. It was a surprise, and we pulled it off. They had no idea and it was awesome! Our closest family and friends were there and it was tons of fun. It was about 6 weeks later than their actual anniversary which helped, and I was able to keep my mouth shut so it all worked out. Tiff and I did most of the planning, she was a huge help! Here's some pictures!

My mom during my brother's speech
30 years and they're still smiling! I hope that's me someday
All of us except Bo, he was out of town, Dave has had a few beers haha
Me and my mom

Monday, April 7, 2008

Hi Everyone! I was inspired by our friends Marty and Maureen and Jared and Tara and decided to start a blog. I don't think we're that exciting, but you never know! Maybe we'll surprise you!