I love fall, cool air, awesome colors, warm sweaters, cute boots, turning on the fire place, and the best of all...Pumpkinfest!. Love it Love it Love it.
Just want to say congrats to our friends Liz and Tim who just got married in a beautiful ceremony and super fun reception this past weekend. Liz looked absolutely fabulous, and Tim looked pretty good too haha. We got to see some of our good friends who we haven't seen in a long long time. We also are super excited about our friends' baby, Lily, is doing very well. She recently had heart surgery and she is growing like a weed now, yay!
People keep asking me if we are ready for the baby and if we have the nursery all set up and stuff. If any of you know us very well we are both huge procrastinators, plus I feel like we are still in a little bit of denial about the baby actually being here haha. We have nothing done in the nursery and I have only bought 1 baby outfit so far. Once I start buying though I think the flood gates will open and I might get a little out of control. Here's a couple of pictures from the wedding this weekend. Enjoy!